Protecting Minors




Research shows that the earlier a person's participation or even exposure to gambling is in childhood, the more likely they are to develop a gambling problem later in life. Gambling exposure during childhood is often through some kind of lottery product, given by an adult who is likely unaware of the associated risks.


Lottery tickets are not child's play.


Give a child a gift, not a ticket. Avoid gifting lottery tickets to any child under 18.



Talk to your child about the risks of gambling, similar to conversations about alcohol.


Teach your child about budgeting and odds of winning when people gamble.


If playing isn’t fun anymore, contact for help
Problem Gambling Helpline:
1-800-GAMBLE-5 (1-800-426-2535)
Text 1-850-888-HOPE (4673)
Free. Confidential. Always there.